Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I need to not go to meetings

The hub and I just returned home from a Band Boosters' meeting and I am exhausted. Not necessarily because of the meeting. It is at the end of the day and everyone is exhausted. We did have to break up a sibling war on words before we left and were set and ready to leave the meeting early to break up another one. I have no patience for sitting in meetings. It could be a meeting about how I had been chosen to be a non-industry voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and get to view every Oscar nominated movie(one of my dreams)and I would be in pure hell. I can't sit still. I have a million questions I'd like to ask but won't for fear of being the butt of jokes. I would have to sit in a chair, hopefully at a table that would hide my jimmy legs. The boosters were as pleasant as I could hope and I got to have a few chuckles and see the band directors in a different situation. There are some exciting things coming up and some exciting things in the future...but I'm glad to bed in my pajamas watching "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" right now. Yes, I'm a bad person not watching the State of the Union. Bad me.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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