Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm tapped out

it has been a day. Nothing majorly bad or good. Just a day. It seems like Wednesdays are the days when my children get crazy. It really happens when we walk through the church doors at 4:55pm to take Sarah to handbells. Then the others, who I love dearly, lose their minds. They are excited to eat dinner at church and see their friends. But they get crazy. Because of this fact, I have nothing of substance to say. I am saddened to hear of the death of Steve Jobs. Our family was one of the first in the neighborhood to have an Apple II+. We had to put a cassette tape in to run programs. We played Lemonade Stand for hours. Then we got a disk drive, then a paddle to play games. My brother would come home with bootleg games on disks that he got at school. I had my Apple IIC until my senior year of college, when they finally stopped making printer cartridges. I was lost when I had to start using Brian's PC. People usually fall on one side of the fence or the other. Brain and I have always said we were in a mixed marriage....he was the PC guy and I the Apple girl. Our girls have iPods and their school uses Apple products...and I am writing this on an iPad. Whether or not you were a fan, you have to give it to the guy for all the innovations he had a hand in. His genius will be missed, but I am grateful for the contributions he made to my childhood. I'll never be able to hear "Oregon Trail" without thinking of him...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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