Monday, October 3, 2011

Ever had one of those days?

I love my children. I really do. Today has been one of those days that i just need to get a hotel room and stay away from my children. We have these days with friends and spouses. The days when they turn their head the wrong way and get on your last nerve. Well, today is that day with my children. I feel like the worst mother ever, but they are driving me crazy. I am currently at dance class, as I am every Monday at this time. Both of my daughters dance, but one is having a hard time focusing today. I understand this dilemma, as I have a similar problem all the time. Today it is inattention multiplied by 1000. It is affecting her performance and that makes me CRAZY!

As parents we want the best for our children. I have never claimed to be a perfectionist. I am a joke with most people, the slob that makes everyone feel better about themselves. While that has become my claim to fame, I don't want it for my children. I want them to feel confident in their activities and accomplishments. Maybe that is why I am so hard on them...because I don't. I have never truly felt comfortable in my own skin, my own abilities, my own place on this planet. When I see them goofing off, I grump. When they aren't getting the steps right, I grump. They are 7 and 10(and 4 but not dancing). They are still children and I need to remember that. I just want them to grow up into confident adults.

So when I get annoyed, Lord help me to take a step back and remember they are children and are still learning to make their way. When they get annoyed with my pushing, Lord, help them to know it is out of love and determination to help them be the best they can be. Then hopefully we'll all be better off.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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