Sunday, September 4, 2016

Lesson Day

G had her first lesson of many, I hope, with Dr. Sean Greene today. He is a super tuba master and a band director and so many things. today he was G's trombone teacher along with his wife. They had a great time while she was there and she was really pumped up when she left their house. She showed me how she does a chromatic scale and worked very hard. The Greene family was very complimentary of her work and were so kind to build her confidence up. It was a good boost for the afternoon. She also got new keeper gloves which made her very happy.

Tonight the hub and I went to dinner with my brother and sister in law and had a lovely time. We haven't been out as adults in a long time and it felt nice. We even saw our former pastor and his wife, who are expecting a baby, there. It was nice to see him and catch up. A lovely evening after an emotionally draining weekend.

I'm going to bed.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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