Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Putting it away

Our Wisconsin family left this morning and we could no longer come up with any reasonable excuses as to why we couldn't put the Christmas decorations up. It made me sad, but it had to be done. One child went back to sleep and the other two helped take all of the ornaments off the tree, get the strings of lights and cranberries and garland off and put the Santas back in their boxes. I felt they had done their due diligence and released them from work duty. The other got up from an early morning nap and helped sweep up the remaining fir needles and also helped to get all the ornaments back in their correct boxes and bags. We then had some breakfast, sent the boy on his way to a surprise play date with his buddy and took the girls to Barnes and Noble to spend the gift cards that were burning holes in their pockets.

Currently, the oldest and I are preparing to play Canasta whilst watching the beginning of the Twilight Zone New Year's marathon. This is what I look forward to every holiday break. We sit, play games, watch weird stuff and are together as a family. I'll take it.

Night all. Time to snuggle up and play some cards.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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