Thursday, September 29, 2011


We have guests arriving, well, anytime and I have been furiously trying to clean house. Now, to paint a picture, I am not as neat as Martha Stewart but not messy enough to be on Hoarders. I find the biggest chunk of my time is spent finding wads of dog hair the size of large litters of puppies all over the downstairs. My next chunk of time, is cleaning up little boy spray. I have determined, due to evidence found, that he will be a skeet shooter rather than a target shooter. The spray pattern is large, but the aim is way off. After these two areas have been dealt with, the next chunk of time involves hair accessories. You would think that hair bands wouldn't make such a mess. Wrong. They are like flippin' tribbles. I clean up 30 of them from one spot and turn around to find 20 more falling out of a drawer. I pull out a load of laundry and find 15 that have gone for a swim and roller coaster ride in the pockets of shorts and jeans. Amazing. Like the rodents of the hair world.

All the time I am cleaning, I need music. I'm no Snow White, but I do like to whistle while I work. I find the 80's channel through the cable box is conducive to a happy cleaning environment. The problem is that with my ADHD, I am a channel flipper. As soon as I don't like the song, I must go searching for better alternatives. This causes efficiency problems in the cleaning department. The vicious cycle begins. I start looking for videos of current songs I like and then, before you know it, I got them moves like Jagger while trying to sort socks and underwear. Not a pretty picture, I know. Now we know why the kids look at me and shake their heads. "And a little child shall lead them.". Especially their crazy mother. Oh well, at least I got something done today. The house is clean and dinner is on the stove. The weekend is just around the corner...thank you, Jesus.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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