Friday, April 1, 2016

Prison Drama

After the business of yesterday and the busy soccer day coming tomorrow, I was a bit on the lazy side today. I still got things washed and prepared and done, but I made a big mistake. Huge. I started watching the series "60 Days In". Has anyone seen this? One almost needs a Xanax drip to watch it. Seven people from varying backgrounds have been chosen and given training to pose an inmates in a correctional facility(jail) and give feedback to the new sheriff who is trying to expose corruption within the prison guard population and gain insight as to the drug epidemic among inmates. These people have been put in different blocks and are in for 60 days unless they are pulled due to safety reasons. It was so very uncomfortable, but I could not look away. I cannot wait for the next episode...if I can handle watching it.

But for now, I'm going to watch something funny.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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