Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dopey New Year

I am not a late night kind of gal, so staying up for the dropping of the ball is one of those events that takes several days for me to get over. I'm a wimp. Naturally the boy wakes up at the crack of dawn and is ready to go. The rest of us are loopy. The girls managed to sleep late into the nine o'clock hour. Lucky ducks. Our day consisted of working on the new railings for the patio, buying tennis balls for the puppy, eating traditional sauerkraut(yuck) and pork for good luck in the New Year AND playing games. Currently Catch Phrase is the game of the evening and the guesses and clues have had us rolling in the floor. My oldest and youngest are having an argument over the rules of the game Blokus and the hub is vainly trying to block all of it out and mess on his phone. Living the dream, friends. Living the dream.

I must go, gentle readers. I have a child who is begging for a back scratch. A mom's job never ends. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Love playing Blokus with my nieces, who usually gang up on me so I rarely ever win.
