Monday, January 13, 2014

Funny prayers from funny "say-ers"

We've had a busy night here at the ranch. Homework, dog duties, poster making, dinner and a Skype lesson. The dog lost her mind a bit this evening, got hyped up and half attacked the boy...attacked with kisses and a little nip since he inexplicably had peanut butter on his rear end after helping making his lunch for tomorrow. He was actually covered with peanut butter, so she cannot be held responsible for her lack of control. If you come over here anytime soon, please bring your epipen if you suffer from allergies. I swear they bathed in peanut butter this evening.

When the kids finished, it was way past time for bed and prayers needed to be said. The hub and I had been watching Ninja Warrior while the kids were goobering up the kitchen, so the kids watched with us until the commercial break. In that bit of time, we saw several poor Japanese guys fall in the water in various frightening scenarios. So naturally, it stuck with them. When it was time for prayers and one of the kids volunteered, we had no idea what we were in for this evening. There were prayers for the men in the Ninja warrior competition...that they would be safe and not get hurt. There were prayers for sore bottoms, both from falling after walking the dog in the rain and from crazed peanut butter attacks. There were prayers of thanks for the new puppy and how having her teaches us more about God every day. Not doubting that one, just still have not figured it out yet. After these and many other very detailed words of thanks and concern, the prayer was concluded with a "Good night, I mean, see you, I mean, Amen." They summed it up better than I ever do.

Night all and beware of peanut butter residue around our house. The more you know....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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