Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The repair man is coming, the repair man is coming!!

As I'm sure you all have heard from time to time, "First World Problems", but our garage door has been out of order for several days and it has been a royal pain in the rear. Our front door is old, so it's a crap shoot as to whether it is going to open nicely or not. After all this rain, the wood floor that you step onto is about as safe a the street after an ice storm. Last year I came in that way with wet feet, for some reason, and went into a split that I was neither prepared for nor aware that I was capable of doing. Bambi on the ice had nothing on me. So imagine my delight, or lack of it, when I walked in with bags of cookie making supplies and hit the super slippery wood floor and came about two inches from splitting my pants and spending the holidays with a groin injury and an even crappier attitude than I already have at this point. So when the hub told me that the garage door repair man was coming tonight, my exclamations of joy were heard throughout the land. While the hub is very handy and can fix just about anything, too many youtube videos of people talking about how the garage door fix at their house turned deadly when the big spring let loose and cut somebody's head off or the door went crazy and cut off fingers have made him decide "Billy, don't be a hero" and let the guy do it. I am currently at dance watching S grow increasingly more frustrated at the fact that she does not have good hip and pelvic movement at this point and that becomes an issue when you dance in the big girl class. She's too hard on herself, but then aren't we all. I'm sure it doesn't help that homework and projects abound as the trend at the end of a semester is to jam every possible activity, both educational and extracurricular, into the course of the week right before Christmas break.

Now that I am home, the garage door fix turned into a $65 problem instead of a $500 problem. I can live with that. The kids are in bed, but only after homework was completed, the boy read the entire anthology of "Dick and Jane and Vampires" to us, our friend Bill came to look at G's leg after she got hurt in phys ed today, I baked 96 cookies and 60 pretzel turtles without the pecans and wrapped G's hair in torn strip of bandana to try to achieve some sort of interesting wave in that mass of hair she has. The hub found the remote that has been missing for 3 days and has now saved me from the racist cable access minister that the channel is stuck on when we try to watch the lovely Tearsa Smith on the news each morning but rememeber that the remote is gone and is the only method by which the channel can be changed. Anyhoo, enough about the minutae that is my family life. I am going to bed and sleep as much as possible for the next several days are going to be a whirlwind. Night all.

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