Tuesday, October 15, 2013

One day more...

Yes, that is a song from one of my very favorite musicals. But it is not what I am thinking of at this moment, although Hugh Jackman's singing is a nice thought. No, friends, it is one more day until Fall Break. Blessed two day relief from the general bull butter that comes with having three children in school. I clearly remember how ugly girls could be at the ages my girls are now, but it seems like girls these days are even uglier...and their mothers are worse. I'm no picture of perfection, don't worry. I'm more of the hermit mother that my kids' friends see at drop off and pick up, most of the time in my driving uniform of a tshirt, comfy pants and Chacos, ready to go to a soccer game or music practice of many varieties. I have yet to resort to going in curlers, but I keep that in my back pocket if I ever need to teach a Roseanne-esque lesson to a wayward child. Of course, I would have to grow my hair out a bit to get any size curler in there...and that will not happen any time soon. So I'll choose a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers instead. I digress. Squirrel! I guess I got hurt enough as a girl by mean girls that I am extra sensitive, to a fault, and that isn't good. As I have said before, I wish I could wrap these heartbeats of ours up and protect them forever. Each hurtful event puts a little scar on their hearts and takes a little more of their innocence away. That just plain stinks. Okay, hopping down from my soapbox for the night.

The hub is accompanying G on her first field trip of the school year. This should be very interesting, especially due to the fact that there is a 60% and growing chance of rain for the outside field trip. Last time he went on a "fort-like" or "settlement" outside field trip, he and S came home soaked to the bone. Record rain for that particular day, of course. He called ahead, asked me to run a hot bath and carried her upstairs to get in immediately. At least when they get home, Fall Break will officially be on and she has the rest of the week and weekend to warm up and recover. The hub is supposedly getting a group of 12 kids which really kind of is a big number. Especially outside in the rain around a fort with who knows what going on. Sounds like excellent material for tomorrow's entry. Let's just hope it is good material that doesn't end with, "And then I had to take him for emergency surgery on his back." That would take the fun out of it for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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