Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mom fail #98765432

After three loads of laundry, homework, dinner prep and cleanup and bedtime, I decided to sit down and take a few minutes for myself. I should have thought about it a little harder...sitting down and relaxing was too easy tonight. What's going to happen? I'll tell ou. Our oldest is super snorty and we have a broken vaporizer, so the hub ran to the store to try and locate one so our child can breathe in the night. He also removed the dead mouse from the garage that was pleasantly giving off the putrid smell of death. And he helped S to neti pot this evening. He's winning best dad ever award. As I sat on the couch to blog for a minute, I realized that I had not gotten a pumpkin to carve this year. G decorated a pumpkin at a party, but nothing was Pumpkinmastered up. Hanging head in shame. There is really no time to do one anyway. D'oh.

Go ahead and add it to your file...you know who you are.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I know who I am, so I leave you with this..... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YgSPaXgAdzE
