Saturday, June 1, 2013

Unpacking torture

After arriving home at 10:00pm last night from twelve hours of driving, the last thing I wanted to do was unpack. Okay, I unpacked enough to find toothbrushes, medicines, face cleaners and that is it. The kids fell into an instant exhaustion coma as did the husband, but I couldn't do it. The piled up suitcases and bags and crud kept staring at me. Luckily I finally conked out, only to wake up with luggage staring up at me. I successfully avoided them using a pancake breakfast, shopping and driving around neighborhoods casing out yard sales, but it was all for naught. It finally happened: the kids needed to get out of their pajamas. Luckily our hotel room had a washer and dryer, so we had only a small handful of dirty clothes. Once you get the clothes out, you might as well hang them back up and put the socks and underwear away and put the shoes in the closet and, well, you get it.

I must go to bed, but I hope to relay to you the excitement of our trip to the land of the mouse. While most of our friends knew we were going to be gone, I felt the need to not advertise it. My parents generously stayed at our house with the dog. She is too old to stay at the kennel anymore and they had a place to stay whilst visiting with family all week. I am not confident like so many people on Facebook who freely advertise the fact that they will be on vacation to the rest of humanity and then wonder why their house is cleaned out when they get home. Now that we are back, I will share the fun details. But right now I ready myself for bed. Work at church will come fast and early tomorrow. I better get a jump on sleep...this will be complicated by the fact that I fell into a super coma nap at about 5pm today. Smooth move, exlax, as we used to say in high school. This calls for a nip of Benadryl. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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