Monday, February 22, 2016

Bullseye of crazy

I found myself in the middle of Target this evening with two crazy girls. S had to get a black dress for a weekend band concert and G had to get some school supplies and I just said a little prayer and hoped that all could be found in one red bullseyed place. Really, I should have known better going without reinforcements. I was tired and my patience reserves were low. At one point, I pulled out my tape measure to measure something on one of them, trying to be discreet in the middle of the store. "Uh, Mom? I know the size I need." Idiot mom who pulls a tape measure out to try and guesstimate an undergarment size. I said, "Well that would have been nice to know before I started measuring you in the middle of Target! Did you think I was doing this for my health?!?". Someone said behind us, "Can I help you ladies? It's getting a bit loud over here." I froze, about to be completely mortified. Luckily it was a friend of ours who also works at Target. Apparently we provided entertainment while she was working. Glad we could do it. I was about to pull my hair out for sure. But we were successful on all fronts. And I am ready for bed.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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