Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I don't know what to say

More medical drama today. Rash worse. Second visit to specialist. Still stumped. She got out of another biopsy, thank God. My mom decided to conduct a Celebrity Apprentice ice cream taste test for the family. S got to eat real ice cream for the first time in over a month. Got a pretty big smile for ice cream.

Awards day number two happened today. Mine didn't win many awards. Partially my fault, partially theirs and partially they just didn't get chosen. But they both won the same award, of which I am immensely proud: Good Citizen of the Year. We can all be good at a subject or sport, but if we aren't good people, well, I am so proud.

So proud of all our little heartbeats. It is an overused word, but we are truly blessed. And, come on, those kids are pretty darn cool.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Very Cool.
    Praying for soothed skin and calm immune system.
