Friday, January 18, 2013

"I can't put my arms down!"

Snow day today! Woo hoo and zip a dee doo dah! We woke up to the Winter wonderland that arrived yesterday and a whole mess of plans that the children had made for playing in it. What we found was a nice sheet of ice, also known as our street, which was going to make for excellent sledding...well at least better than mediocre sledding. The kids thought they had bundled themselves up sufficiently, but were sadly mistaken. I tend to err on the side of only slightly less bundled than Randy Parker in "A Christmas Story". We were then outside for about three and a half hours, gaining and losing additional adults and children along the way. One of S's friends/classmate, and our neighbor, came in and had lunch with us and stayed to play xbox before he had to leave on a church trip. We then received a mercy visit from our favorite pest controller, Kevin, to check about any family members I missed when sucking up the creepy mouse in the shop vac. Vendettas are hell and I am doomsday prepping for the remaining family members. After lulling myself for a quick catnap with the dulcet sounds of the police scanner, I arose quickly and went with the family to eat at the dreaded Pizza Inn. We left without a good story, took S to a sleepover which then caused intense drama for the children left behind and are nestled into our relaxation activities. The kids are snuggled under a blanket playing on their ipods. The hub is playing "Subway Surfer", his new addiction. I am writing subpar musings while listening to the Knox County Public Safety channel and realizing that there are some weird people living mere blocks from us. If only our fireplace was useable...well, next season when we save up enough money to have it restored from a disaster potential to a cozy evening at home.

One last thing. I don't presume to know who or how or why, but I sincerely thank the person who sent me the Bob Ross "Happy Little Trees" shirt in the mail. There was no information to tell me who sent it, but it was such a sweet surprise. Thank you so much! And if it was meant for someone else....too bad. It's mine now. :o)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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