Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You can't take me anywhere...

I am sitting in my usual Tuesday spot at the table in dance class. There is no real need for me to be here, I guess, other than the fact that S is dancing in a sling and I was unsure as to how that would go. I mean,what could go wrong? Possible broken growth plate and flinging arms all over in preparation for her Phantasm, I mean, Fantasy of Trees dance. As I have explained previously, we call it Phatasm of Trees because of the enormous crowds(especially on our performance date of the day before Thanksgiving)of rabid holiday decoration crazed people who show up to gawk at local celebrities, ride the carousel and knock you over for gingerbread. The performances are wonderful to watch, even though some of the dance schools(not ours)dress like a street shot from Pretty Woman. I digress. She is practicing and all I can picture is this:

Well, that's not entirely true. I am in no way making light of the actual infirmity, but I feel like I catch dance-induced coprolalia....but without the obscenities. I want to sing songs from "Flashdance" and "Xanadu", but mostly "Flashdance" when I am observing. "Xanadu" would require roller skates and feathered bangs. Any running in place and I immediately start singing, "She's a ma-ni-ac, ma-ni-ac on the floor..". I have absolutely no control. That then makes me start drawing things like this:

Sorry, I can't draw the chair scene when they pour water on her. I dabble more in cartoony types, not scantily clad women dancing in clubs. But I have goals. Maybe realistic drawings and welding..."Just a steel town girl on a Saturday night...". I must stop. Class is over and I need to return to being an adult now. Another goal to set...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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