Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pants...Panera...and mowing

Most pathetic post title so far. I have had a creatively barren day, so I apologize. Lots on my mind and on my heart. Nothing of substance to share, just lots to process. Currently, the hub is schooling our oldest on her new thumb drive and critiquing her powerpoint presentation, which blows my mind. In sixth grade, I was playing Oregon Trail on an Apple II+ and collecting jelly bracelets. I have my feet up after a day of randomness. I bought new jeans for G, ate a tasty but lonely lunch at Panera with my iPad and mowed the lawn so people think we're classy again. they think we're classy at all. We dropped some peppers off to my brother and got to sample his tasty freshly baked bread and play with the dogs. All in all not a bad evening.

The one shining moment of humor today was when my child asked if you could buy "Hot dog balls" at the store. When I asked her to repeat herself and she put the emphasis on "Hot", the 13 yr old boy humor in me came out and I could not stop laughing. She didn't get it, thank goodness.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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