Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I wish I had some guts...maybe

We are readying S for her big trek to DC with the safety patrols. It's a bit daunting. She's been away from us for extended periods of time, but never this far away and not without church camp or relatives to keep an eye out. It is a very regimented agenda and stringent packing policy, so we have been checking the list multiple times so as not to screw anything up. I noticed she could take a small cooler for the bus with drinks and snacks. So off to the "K-Roger" I went to get a few provisions to make the trip a bit more comfortable.

As my three readers know, I am a superfan of people watching....the weirder the better. I make observations not to mock, but simply to express my shock and awe at the guts and nerve some people have. My wardrobe is one of jeans and gray shirts, so anything apart from that is daring and flashy and so not up my alley. So imagine my delight when I came upon this lady who had to be probably early 70's:

Made my exhausted body smile a little. I've never worn pj's to Kroger, though it has been tempting. This is not an exaggeration of her wardrobe. How excellent is that? Good for her for going for comfort. I wish I could be more comfortable with myself. While her choices would not be mine, I have to admire her choice for comfort over what other people think.

I am now going to retire to the couch and prepare myself to fall asleep to Duck show on TV.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Maybe by the time you hit 70, you will not care about scandalizing your kids or what strangers think. I'm just glad my parents still prefer their usual clothing, because they don't wear much to sleep in. I think my mom going shopping in her sleepwear would result in an arrest record of public indecency.

  2. love your column..(I'm Denise T's godmother)...I think PJ bottoms should be worn in public if:
    1) you have any kind of 'ostomy' bag
    b) just got out of say surgury and need to P>U> a Rx.

    other than PJ's in public or Publix

  3. I agree. I have admittedly worn men's pj pants, but ai had used them as workout pants. I felt that was acceptable AND my tshirt was long enough to cover up the fly. Classy, I know.
