Thursday, December 29, 2011

Too late for this windbag

I am at my parents house, so I cannot upload from the cloud because I don't have those skills. Anyhoo, I have a nice picture of the finished toy closet that I will show you at some point. I am very tired after travel and errands, so I will not say much. I will say that. the wild Alaska show I just watched was very interesting. The respect and reverence shown when killing an animal for the survival of one's family was refreshing to see. They did not lightly accept that task. Sorry, heavy stuff we watched there. I am looking forward to engaging in some serious sloth for maybe one whole day. I may not even get out of my pj's. Yes, it's a gonna get crazy!!! Still planning to tell you the moonshine story. I just have to draw a few more pictures. Until then, I bid you farewell.....

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