Monday, December 26, 2011

Putting away stuff

Today is always the let down down after the excitement surrounding the actual Christmas day. It should still be a high...Jesus was born and that is a biggest of all deals. Today was the day the secular-ish signs of Christmas started going away. I did not go out early to fight with the crazies at Target at 6 or 7am. I did go to Walgreens at 10:35am and clean them out of the little gift bags that are the perfect size for a gift card. Hobby Lobby had a few cello bags and some thank you notes and that was my crazy day. I played Scrabble with my mom and the girls on the new board. We worked to regain some sort of order in our dungeon. The kids played with their new games and S made duct tape accessories for all who entered our house. The grown ups sat downstairs after the kids had gone to bed. We listened to the boy sing "American Pie" while trying to sleep. Hearing your 4 year old say "Whiskey and Rye is hilarious and scary all at once. Tomorrow will bring a whole new of yuck to do, B goes back to work and I will get a head start on one of my resolutions: getting organized. Let's think positively on that one! I am still planning to tell you another funny family story. Just need a night where I can start before 11pm. Here's hoping....

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