Monday, December 5, 2011

Interesting times...sad times

Let me start off by saying, if you pray, please say a prayer for my friend Allison's husband Tim. He had an abdominal aneurysm rupture last night and is fighting for life in the hospital. Less than 5% usually survive this catastrophic event. He has age on his side as most sufferers are a good 20-30 years older than he is. They have seven children, the oldest being 13. He received 22 units of blood during his emergency surgery. I cannot fathom the sadness and fear...just running the gamut of horrible emotions. Prayers for the Meredith family....Anything I say after that is going to seem very shallow and insensitive. My cousin texted today that their youngest baby's hips are out of socket. They were going to meet with orthopedic surgeons to see how to progress. They said it was treatable but a long road ahead. Prayers for them as well.Tonight I went to my work Christmas party and many people were told of this blog and how funny it is. I can't see that, but I am glad people enjoy it. Today is not a funny day. It is a heavy day. I think that the heavy days make the others so much lighter...much easier to shoulder. As much as I want levity, it is not appropriate for me tonight. While I don't want to feel the emotional gravity of situations, I need to feel it. I need to remember to hug my husband a little thank God for my children's health. Sorry for the Debbie Downer post. Just say an extra prayer for Tim tonight, that he can be one of the 5% who defy the statistics. And for Allison, that she can feel the power and comfort of prayer and find strength to help her children navigate through the days ahead. Thanks....

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I work in the Tribunal for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington these days. I work on marriage annulments five days a week. Talk about a place to make you feel grateful. It makes me realize how lucky I am to be married to the man God brought to me and how lucky our daughter is to have him as her father. You're right about downers making you extra thankful for the lighter days. Give that man of yours an extra squeeze tonight!
