Monday, December 12, 2011

Not much to say

It has been a long day. Sick boy, gift wrapping, homework helping, dinner making, hair fixing, Christmas concerting and laundry folding. I am beat. I will say that the above pictured crackers are of the devil, they're so good. I have a coworker to thank for my new addiction. It was nice to sit and listen to Christmas concert music this evening. I thought our bell performance was pretty nice, if I may say so myself. My favorite part was seeing my oldest sing with her choir. She plastered on her best permagrin and sang her little heart out. In her little robe she looked like an angel. I am grateful for moments like that to conclude a day like this one. It puts things into perspective...just like it always should. So on Christmas Eve or Christmas day, sit back with some tasty crackers and watch the concert. There'll be a sweet little face singing up there and some great music. I'll be watching....

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