Monday, September 21, 2015

Super Hub

Mondays are always a mess at our house. Most of the time we have middle school soccer, Cub Scouts and band pick up all at the same time. With two of us, and sometimes one, things get hairy and often times one of the children has to miss out on their activity because there is no way to be everywhere. Last week I went to Cub Scouts and realized that I could not comfortably go without the possibility of me punching abother adult. I really wouldn't do that, but there was a mom who got really ugly with my son for no reason and I did not take too well to that fact. I told the hub he would have to go this week. He did and came home the new secretary for the pack. I think he had to do something or his head would pop off and he'd pull the boy out of the pack. I am so grateful for him and for all he does for our family. He is such a trooper and we are blessed. Now he is doing a pack committee secretary training session online instead of relaxing. Bless him.

Going to get a boy to bed. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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