Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rain rain, please go away for a bit

We are all in a bit of a funk over here at the ranch. One can take only so much time without the sun before it starts to get to them. I suppose if we lived in different parts of the country we would be used to this weather. In East Tennessee, we are used to lots of fluctuation but not long periods without sun. I will say that I have enjoyed sleeping while the rain is coming down. The soft pitter patter lulls me to sleep and helps me quickly go back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. The children got to ride bikes between showers today. That was lovely. They got some much needed vitamin D, their heart rates up and worn out all at the same time.

We are currently watching the World Cup final. The US is up 2-0 against Japan in the first 6 minutes. Go, ladies, go! Show my children that hard work and team work pay off in whatever you do. Not just soccer. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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