Monday, July 20, 2015

One more sleep...

I have again labored in the basement and feel pretty accomplished. I filled two big rolling bins full of stuff for KARM, taken a full Sequoia load to the dump and have emptied at least 7 big Rubbernaid storage containers full of stuff. I'm kind of tired. I did find something that brought me great joy:

When the hub and I got married, someone gave this book to me to provide ideas as to what I should say in my thank you cards. I was getting kind of boring and routine, so this was going to help jazz things up. My brother came over in order to provide some comic relief while I conquered a mountain of notes and he started reading the sample notes out loud. All I can say is that lemonade came out of my nose from laughing so hard at the interpretive readings. One of my most cherished memories.

The hub is leaving soon to go get the girl from week two night 6 of band camp. They go until 9 these nights and I expect her to be worn out. She'll have a good night's rest I'm sure.

Tomorrow I go and retrieve the boy from camp...or as we say, one more sleep until I see my boy. I can't wait. I know he has had a great time and his sister is having a great time too. I just miss them so. Night all!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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