Friday, December 21, 2012

Keep calm and, oh who am I kidding?

I had several meltdowns on my children today. Tis the season for children to lose their minds and parents to question if they ever had one at all. The kids are all exhausted, sad to leave their friends and excited to be off for some much needed rest. Too bad their way of expressing that excitement is to beat the stuffings out of each other and perfect their dagger looks on me. I get it. They are so much more over tested and worked and expected of than I ever was at that age. But, I sometimes think as workload increased for the kids, so did the same loads increase for the grown ups. It can become overwhelming. But I know that I didn't lose a child in CT and I don't have a severely ill baby in the hospital. But reality is what reality is. We will all make it through in spite of ourselves. Now that my son has educated us on the fact that when babies are born they don't have any clothes on, I feel the Christmas season has been even more educational than usual. We are going to show the love and try not to torture each other for the whole break. I'll be the example setter....but I tell you right now, if SyFy does not have its yearly Twilight Zone marathon near New Years, you might find me on a ledge somewhere. Just sayin'. Fa la la la laaaaaa....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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