Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Politi-cology of car buying

Day, um, I don't even remember of car buying..aka..."The Quest for a Comfy Seat". All vans are starting to look the same to me. Why does a blood red exterior warrant a pearl-esque interior? Very vampire like if you ask me. The process, or dance, between customer and salesman is a delicate and twisted one. The hub plays the matter of fact, aloof guy. He gives no detailed personal information. When our salesman asked what he did for a living, he said, "I herd cats"....meaning, as we all know, "I deal with a lot of chaos". Our salesman, God bless him, said, "Oh! You must be a vet!". Screeeech(the conversation brakes are slammed on)...take a different tack there, hub. He had to be a little more specific with this guy. We weren't ready to entertain pet medical questions just yet. We had a book, long ago, in our bathroom library that gave the detailed psychology used in the art of car buying. Some of the info stayed with us, I guess. More him than me. I just can't take the awkwardness of the negotiating process. How long can the give and take continue before one or both back out? It is too much for me, so I make lots of trips to the bathroom and strolls around the showroom. They must think I am a wandering UTI case squatter. I, however, am not. Just like Chevy Chase in "Spies Like Us", I can't take the pressure. I find it such a colossal waste of time to be there for three hours and then walk away over a counteroffer. We're not out any money, but we can't get that time back.

When we made the choice to go with one brand of van while sitting in their competitor's vehicle, we made the determination that it was time to break up with our salesman. Sorry there buddy. It's not you, it's us. He makes little desperate attempts to keep the business, but it is all for naught. We're moving on. Awkward. He walks, hangdog, back to his golf cart in his orange UT shirt. Adding insult to injury, Mizzou wins. Sorry, man.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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