Friday, November 16, 2012

I need a mantra to keep me sane

The hub is doing a little better every day. Digestive system seems to have decided to join the party. TMI, yes, but this has been our life....and is a reality of anesthesia. But this morning brought with it a twist: a sick S. I knew she was ill when she didn't want to go to school. The girl loves school, a concept I find foreign myself, but she loves it. So a trip to one of the Petri dishes of the earth to see what was wrong. Rapid strep and flu came back negative. Whew! But then the "little fairy on meth", as she's been called, came home and conked out. A child who has not voluntarily taken a nap since age 4 conked out. Awesome. We'll all be interested to see if her Petri dish grew anything overnight at the doc's office.

Tomorrow brings with it our first indoor soccer games for G and the boy. It's never dull around here. Just pray for us. Pray that the hub won't go stir crazy. Pray that I won't turn into pity party girl. Pray that the kids will thrive in spite of us. And, most of all at the exact moment, pray that the neighbor's dog shuts up soon. I don't care if her kid is having an Air Soft battle in the backyard, some people are trying to sleep. We can share our Petri dish with them....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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