Monday, July 14, 2014

I gave in

What fun happens in the summer? Cookouts, camping, beach trips and swimming. Lots and lots of swimming. Mother of the year here has not made that last item a reality. A couple friends have been nice enough to ask us to swim at their family or neighborhood pools, but they have not been what you would call wearing their suits out from chlorine exposure for sure. When the temp hit 90+ today and the kids refused to go outside, I realized that I had to wear them out...or they would wear me out. I decided to get a desperation Y membership to get these kids dunked in a pool. Our history with the Y in the past has not been great. One is our fault with two of my children getting in a fight with each other and being told to sit out for five miutes. The humiliation was horrible for them, but great for me because it gave them insight into what I had dealt with for a while. The other times were just annoying behavior and mean, unkind and unfair lifeguards who let things happen that should never have been...all ending with my young cousin getting beaned in the nose with a racquetball by the guard's fiend that resulted in a bloody nose. We were done. Whatever it was, we cancelled our membership and got ready for fall and winter. Today was a nice change. A girl we knew from church was one of the lifeguards and she was friendly but strict...and I like that. The kids were ex-HAUSTED by the time we left. It was a beautiful thing. They played and I watched people. One teenage boy took about 15 selfies, lips puckered and muscles flexed. I was fascinated while I played Candy Crush and tried to not look like I was staring. Anyhoo, it was wonderful and the two youngers were wonderfully worn out and calm during the withcing hours of the afternoon before the hub got home. I'll take it anyday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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