Saturday, March 22, 2014

Soccer washer woman mom am I

Soccer Saturday numero dos and still injury free. S did not have a game today because, unlike the North Knox area in which we live, the girls out west don't play soccer on Spring Break. So, she just reffed games all day. G and the boy both had victories and each scored(the boy score twice). G should be sore tomorrow. She did a lot of diving to save goals...a lot of diving. I did a lot of nail biting myself.

After we cleaned ourselves up and took several layers of sweat and dust and grass and sunscreen off of our bodies, we sat down to relax for a wee bit. Uncle Mike came over and got S and me and we went to help with the Open Door Community Meal. My sweet daughter and I, along with Aunt Deb, ran the dishwasher and cleaned and dried everything down to the ice tongs. We found out that chivalry is dead when it comes to kitchen work and that most people over the age of about 75 decided to opt out of anything after serving the meal to the guests and themselves. It's okay. They've earned that right I suppose. One lady did manage to get ugly with my child when she offered to help them put items away. Luckily I kept my jewelry on and nothing got ugly.

My oldest and I are now snuggled up watching National Treasure. A lovely end to a lovely day. I'll take it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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