Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My son is a fox

I had my big first dental appointment today. It is a story rich with funny stuff, but I am so tired right now I cannot form rational thoughts. So in place of dental stories, I will tell you a quick boy story before I collapse from exhaustion. Our dog is getting beyond old and, therefore, has many accidents. She also eats copious amounts of hickory nuts and shells, causing her output in the house to be of the same consistency. He went downstairs with the hub to help him pick out clothes and make coffee. When he finally returned, he informed me that they had been cleaning up Cosby's "poop pile" from the floor. I apologized to him that she had done that. I said, "We'll feed her when we go back down and then we'll let her back out so she won't have another accident." He said, "Well. I'm sure when we go back down we'll find one more poop to grow on down there..."...shook his head and walked off. Where does he get that stuff? When we do birthday spankings, we do the last pop and say, "And one to grow on!". But a "poop to grow on"? Boys. They say the darndest things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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