Saturday, March 9, 2013

And no one called the shrink in to talk me down...

It was d-day today, my friends. D-day. Dress day. With an upcoming wedding and Easter close at hand, the girls needed to get new dresses. The conundrum was that if we waited as I would have preferred, all the nice dresses would be gone and would be forced to find the best in the "Preteen Streetwalkers" collection. If we went today, the bitter tears of anger mixed with being defiantly uncooperative might push me clean over the edge. Soooo, we went with today. This was not received well, as you can imagine, but what do I expect being a hater of shopping myself? As I mother, I realize that there are times I am not above bribery. Today was one of those days. I extended some verbal currency to them, they took the bait and we went on our not so merry way. I said a little prayer and hoped for the best. We went to the mall and made our way through three stores before we finally hit some possibilities. The fifth store was the jackpot and we found some dresses to try on. A strange phenomenon occurs when girls get into the waiting room and start trying on clothes. They get wiggly and start to dance. Fashionshow-itis, I guess. I was trying to send pictures of them, in the various dresses, to my mother for her opinion. Most of the shots ended up looking more like flashes of color. That's it. When I finally said, "Stay still or I promise you I will cry," they got the point. We found two that were acceptable, I paid for them and ran. We then found S some new tennis shoes and some new ballet shoes. We then had a nice lunch and got the heck home.

We returned home to find a tired hub and a happy boy and a package from Amazon. The hub assured me he had nothing to do with it, so I opened it up to see. My angel friend, Margaret, sent me a tagging gun kit to make consignment sale tagging easier. You want to talk about making my day! Thanks, M! And all ten of my fingers and the hub's ears(from my complaints) thank you, too! The day ended nicely with a trip to the local soccer field to watch some of S's guy friends from the middle school team play and take a walk on this gorgeous day. The kids dressed up in their pajamas and went to our Bruster's ice cream shop for free ice cream night. Half the town was there and it was like a little church/school reunion. They are now blissfully wiped out....until tomorrow when they are rudely awakened an hour early since we are Springing forward. So, time for bed. Night all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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