Friday, July 6, 2012

Always interesting

The in laws are in town and it never fails that some weird things happen to make us look like we are plagued. Yesterday the drama with the dog and a storm that knocked the power out were on the menu. Today we woke up to a feverish boy. Really? He rallied for a while and we ran to check out some quilt shops for my MIL. She is quite a fine quilter and is always up for finding new fabrics and gadgets to support her "habit". By the time we finished and had dinner, the evening oven hours were beginning and the boy began superheating again. I'm afraid we have a trip to the doc on our schedule, but we will have to see how the night goes. When he gets really whiney and chatty in his sleep, that usually indicates ear infection. He has mentioned them today, so, you know.

On a completely different topic, I have secured the scrumptious recipe for a Lavender Lemonade I recently had at my friend's wedding. I will be getting some lavender to grow and use for this beverage. Absolutely sublime. Or sublemon...hahaha! Sorry....

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