Friday, June 29, 2012

They're ba-aaack

I went to "The Woods" and picked up the girls today. They were hot, tired, thirsty and dirty. Dusty dirty. I was truly shocked when they chatted the whole way home. Last year I distinctly remember G saying, "Um, I'm sorry, but can we not talk anymore so I can take a nap? Thanks.". And we did just that. I have done quite a bit of laundry, with quite a bit left to go. G read me the story of the birth of John the Baptist and explained that she understands how the Bible works now. Sleeping bags that should be airing out are probably having the stench baked in out on the 102 degree patio. The girls are now slumbering in the comfort of their clean, A/C'ed like a meat locker bedrooms. All our heartbeats are at home again. The hub and I can rest easier. Let's hope they can, too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that everyone is back home, safe and sound. It sounds like they had a good time!
