Sunday, April 8, 2012

What a beautiful day!

What a wonderful to celebrate our risen savior! The kids woke in good mood,

they saw the bunny had dropped off treats, they got gussied up and sang their hearts out during the service. They hate having pictures made, so after the serious one, I said they could do a crazy one:

Next was a butterfly release, which is always a fun and chaotic time. Just like the butterfly emerges from its cocoon, so did Jesus emerge from the tomb. Beyond cool!

After church, we came home and prepared ourselves for a relaxing afternoon. Our grill finally bit the dust in the fall, so the hub bought a new one last night and, with the help of his little elves, put it together this afternoon:

Sarah was the most involved as the others were deep into a game of Backyard Cupcake Wars. But after the assembly, the rewards were lovely:

The amazing tower of dogs and the yummy, yummy burgers:

And my personal favorite, the squash done with butter and yummy spices:

God is good all the time. I am thankful for this glorious day, my wonderful family and the gift given to me "on a hill far away...".
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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