Thursday, March 8, 2012

My rant for the day

Listen, I am as pathetically connected and tied to Facebook as the next gal, but I am a grown $@& woman who has lived life, worked in the projects, dodged bullets and paid bills. I went to college, made a commitment and got married and have carried and birthed three children. If I want to have a FB account, I am old enough to deal with the consequences that my words and the words of others might bring. Even as an adult, some people's words still strike a painful blow and I must take a step back to achieve some perspective. But tell me someone let their elementary school aged child have a FB account? Of course there are exceptions to every rule: divorce, parent in military overseas, etc. But for the run of the mill 7-10 year old....uh, dur. Now, again, this is my rant. My opinion and no one else's. My oldest daughter wants, kind of, to have a FB account. Her desire is more from the fact that she has friends with accounts. Friends who have requested me to be their friend and one that I flat out refuse. With cyber bullying becoming more and more of an issue, why would anyone want to let their child dive into a pool full of sharks before they are ready to deal with the consequences? There are already whispers at school of mean things being said about on FB about other girls and boys at school. Am I curious if my child is the subject of conversations? Darn skippy, but I can't find out. I don't want to know. I will get medieval.

I know that I can't protect her forever. She goes to middle school next year. But I can make darn sure that she doesn't have an account until the required age on the website. If I allow her to lie about something as simple as a social networking account, where is the line drawn in our relationship? The parent/child line has been crossed into a gray area. Am I saying I have never lied? No. Not at all. BUT, it is my job as a parent is to set an example, to lead her in the right direction with the right morals. She even comments when I have shown her the accounts of friends, "They LIED! If they were really that age, they would be 18 or 21 or 16!". "Yep," I say. If her friends ask or make fun, I am happy to take the blame. It is a mantle I will wear with pride.

I will end my time on the soapbox with this: they grow up so fast. Do we really want to rush it? I sure don't.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. You Go, Girl!!

    If you taught them (by action or inaction) it was okay to lie to have a FB account, then how would you keep them from lying about something else if it got them what them wanted.

  2. I could not agree with you more neighbor! I have said this same thing on FB so friends with children lying about their age on FB would see it. I don't understand it. Some of the kids have sent ME friend requests, 10 year olds. I only accepted one, she's more like 10 going on 30 and I filter what she sees on my wall. Now, those you speak of, let's consider the parental sources and add another 'dur' to the conversation.

  3. one more thing....not only are they letting them on FB lying about their ages but some don't even make sure the account is locked down where, pics, walls, friends lists and other info cannot be seen by strangers or gawkers. Cannot tell you how many times I have seen pics of these kids and within 5 mins or less I can tie bits of info together and you can easily figure out their school, what they look like and what activities they do, etc. In the wrong hands that can be dangerous. It's completely irresponsible.
