Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What am I doing wrong?

I ran all day in search of items and ways to personalize my office. This is my nightmare and completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things. My dear friend lost his mother yesterday. I am so sad for him and ask prayers for comfort for him and his sister and family.

I am having a hard time understanding and processing what I am doing as a parent to raise girls who are targets. S had a hellish time in elementary school, but is thriving in middle school...thank God. Now G has become a target. I know I am biased, but that kid is the sweetest, kindest, most tenderhearted child I've ever known. She cries at sweet Kleenex commercials and tender stories about people succeeding in spite of great odds. She got teary at the return of Robin Roberts in GMA this morning. So why does she get to be the target of the kid who chooses to be ugly? What happens to a person to make them mean? Why does someone think that every day they need to come in and tell my daughter "I still don't like your hair. It looks awful"....a month after the haircut. Why do they say, "Why are your teeth so yellow? I hate them." Every day. I feel like I send her into the middle of a gunfight with an LL Bean backpack and no defense. I know we all have to remember 'Sticks and Stones", but come on. She's eight. And she's a nice kid. I just covet your prayers in this situation. I had such high hopes for a bully free year.

Other than that, I'm just doing great. The boy's story about the bruise on his cheek continues to grow in intensity and severity. By the time we were to have dinner at church, he was telling people that he lost consciousness after his sister knocked him down flat and, in a Karate Kid-esque "FINISH HIM" kind of fashion, rammed the broom handle into his cheek as one would ram a sword deep in the chest of a downed gladiator. We are planning a talk to help differentiate between lying and epic storytelling. That kid. I'm going to bed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I hate the bully thing...its starts earlier and earlier. I was at a little flea market last week and heard 2 ladies talking trash about a local business man. This guy is so nice and helpful. He gives discounts to needy folks and is a real gem. After a few minuets of this, I went over to them and set them straight, nicely, but I made my words firm. A lot of back tracking and fumbling ensued, and I just said "You know, when you go on the tollway on-ramp, you can never back up. You words really hurt more than you know". Is there some kind of program that your school can get involved in? Some seminar that every one can take?

  2. The put-downs and name-calling followed me through High School. I was in 10th grade when I told my youth counselor and he told me how most bullies are bullied at home. He told me to try talking to the bully away from the crowd, and say, "I'm sorry you are in so much pain inside that you feel you have to make others hurt to try to lessen your pain. Have you figured out that doesn't work, that you still hurt? Being friends, having people that care about you and don't want you to hurt is the best help for your pain. I'd like to be your friend."
    I tried it on my worst bully, we didn't become friends, but he avoided me like the plague for the rest of high school.
    I pray for your kids, and I'll pray for their bullies, too.

  3. I agree with the above comments. I, also, will continue to pray for your sweet children.
