Monday, September 3, 2012

When Daddy's away...drama comes to stay

The hub has left the building and driven straight to get my dad and go to his version of football mecca: Cassell Coliseum in Blacksburg, VA. He hadn't even gotten his bag in the car and out of the driveway before the crying and gnashing of teeth began. Since they are with me all the time, his leaving is an especially heinous insult. The only bright spot of the day, besides the fact that it is Labor Day, is that soccer practice was cancelled and we didn't have to get out on a messy day. Among the fun things that happened during the first three hours of his absence? Weeellll, let's see. Illegal cupcakes were made, defying a direct order. Blows were thrown between siblings. A strange and sketchy woman decided to stand out in front of our house, smoking her cigarette, and stare at us. One of the kids completely lost their chiz and went around checking all the locks on all the doors. One had a death grip on the phone with finger poised to call 911(Can you tell we live on a boring street?). The other, while I was trying to calm the first two down, had turned to the sick adventures of Honey Boo Boo...or whatever that train wreck is called. Mouth open in a disturbed stare, the channel was quickly changed to the Turtleman and peace, calm, happiness and live action was restored. They are currently bathed and playing some sort of made-up contact Poker using Jokers and sucker punches. Whatever keeps them from booby trapping the bathroom before I get to use it. Oh, and for the hub, GO HOKIES!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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