Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another short post

It has been a long day that started fairly early. The hub and I left the house in the dark to go to Lake Junaluska, NC for our associate pastor's ordination. It was so nice to see her reach this goal and she looked so very happy. It was nie to see several people from home including my friend who sand at our wedding 19 years ago. 19 years?!?!?! Can you believe it? It was nice to see them all. It was also nice to see the scenery up there. The mountains never get old:

The hub and I didn't stay for the luncheon afterwards, because I wanted to get back home to the children. Yes, today was my birthday and I wanted to be with them. I don't need much of anything anymore, but hugs and cuddles from my three are a necessity. The boy picked up a harmonica during a lunch trip to Cracker Barrel, so he entertained us for a large part of the afternoon. Then the girls had to go to soccer try outs and marching band practice for a few hours, so I worked a little on camp packing and checking the garden. We feasted on my favorite, lemon pound cake, and I received some very thoughtful gifts and even more thoughtful cards. The boy incorporated his gift into his card. Genius I thought:

I mean Reeses and duct tape and little individual floppy notes on the side. Pretty nice. I am a blessed woman.

Night all. I am tired.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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