Wednesday, June 17, 2015

And she's off...

We dropped G off for her camp this afternoon. SInce there is a lot of extensive construction going on around campus, it was a complete fiasco trying to get to the dorm, but we finally made it. She and her friend P arrived at about the same time and were completely excited about being together. I must say that it felt so much better about leaving her this time. She has already called twice. The first time to me was to let me know that the first seesion was over. "I skinned my elbow and am burning up, but WE'RE HAVING A GREAT TIME!!!!". So glad to know it, kid. She the called to tell us that the second session went great and she was having a great time. We had a little talk about how we missed her and wanted to hear all about her time, BUT she was fine to call once a day. That was plenty. They have seen several people they have competed against in the past years and some of the coaches recognized her from last year. I am excited for her. Pray for her safety, please. The heat and being a keeper could bring on lots of hurts. I want it to be a great time.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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