Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Surgical summer break

Third time will hopefully be a charm on this post. I updated the app to fix the "crash bug", so hopefully this attempt at writing will survive. We spent the glorious beginning of summer vacation at Children's Hospital with S. Her first trip was to the giant fish decal covered white humming doughnut to have her sinuses imaged. As much as I would have liked to document the process in photograph, I didn't want to get kicked out so I refrained. I'll draw you a picture sometime if you'd like. Next venue was Dr. Little's office for a scope or, as we called it, "the spaghetti noodle camera that got shoved up her nose" procedure. The nurse snorted her up with Afrin and left her to clear out for a bit. Gave us time to be intimidated by the implements of scoping.

He needed to get up in there and take a good look. He did the scope and then brought the computer in to show us her CT doughnut pictures. Technology is an amazing and terrifying thing. To see pictures of your child's head and all the pieces parts in there is a pretty humbling experience. He showed us all of her different sinuses and how certain walls were thickening and how some were filled with air(good) or fluid(not so good). He gave us our options: continue on with medicines and more medicines OR have sinus surgery and fix some of the problems that are causing troubles. He felt she had gotten to the surgery point. Then the tears came...some from her and some from me. "When am I going to finally ever get well?". He did his best to explain to all of us exactly what would happen, gently telling us of the possible risks. S clutched my hand tightly, wide eyed and serious. Trying so hard to be brave. She may be 12, but surgery is a scary thought at any age. But after it all, she felt a bit vindicated. We had to keep her out of some activities because she couldn't breathe or would get choked and gagged on all the fluid that has no real place to escape. She was pleased to know it can be fixed and it is not all in her head.

So what do we know? The hub will be having surgery and then a week or two later S will be having surgery. It should be a summer where I become quite the expert on waiting rooms. Pray for the family. We are going to be peaches to be around. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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