Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twas the night before school...

Twas the night before school and all through the house, the kids were relaxing. Me? Searching for a blouse(that looked good with a pair of jean shorts but that didn't rhyme). Socks and shoes were picked out and ready for them to walk into school all confident and steady. The children were wrestled, body slammed in their beds, in hopes early rising would be with clear heads. The hub in his plaid shorts and I in some grubs, hoped sleep would come quickly, but no alarm clock flubs. When out in the hall there arose a kerfuffle..."I just need to potty," the boy sounded, muffled. "Let me turn on the light", I stumbled around. It was 2:32, no more z's to be found. I laid there and tossed. Would it be a good year? A seventh , fourth and first grader...right, nothing to fear. Would she like her new team? Would he learn his coins? Would she be rejected by a group that she joins? I realized life was not in my control. This revelation made me toss, turn and then roll. The next thing I knew, Marc and Kim blasted loud and I knew came my job to awaken the crowd. The groans could be heard from homes round the block, but they popped out of bed like they'd had a big shock....

To be continued...good luck on the first day of school moms and dads!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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