Sunday, August 25, 2013

Where did Sunday go?

Since I was awakened from my slumber this morning by the blasted alarm, I have been home 90 minutes. Sorry, but that kind of sucks. I am tuckered out. Oh goes on. I spent some time with some super cute little people who hugged me and messed with my hair and laughed when I acted like a shark while we were eating goldfish. They are the reason I can stand days like these. I stood with some crazy girls while they sang and danced and made up cheers and "wheeled and dealed" in the competitive world of bake sales located outside of Kroger. They sat on the concrete barriers, played leapfrog on the concrete barriers, looked cute and used their manners and got lots of nice donations...all with looks of pure joy. They are the reason I can stand days like this. I sat in a room with a group of beautiful people, all with hearts for children and concern for their spiritual futures. We laughed, grumped, planned, brainstormed, maybe shed a few tears and made some exciting plans. They are the reason I can stand days like this. I walk in the door to a husband cleaning rusty preschool scissors so I don't have to buy new ones...a son who grabbed my finger and shoved it in his mouth to feel his two first loose teeth...a daughter clipping and organizing coupons to build a stockpile so we can save money...a daughter who was so proud she learned a new magic trick sticking golf tees through a half dollar piece. They are the reason I can stand days like this. I'm so grateful for days like this to give me perspective. But, I'll just go ahead and say it, I can certainly gain perspective on happy rainbow days too. Just sayin'...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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