Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Let me spleen it to you...

I long for the Pizza Inn story days. I need a monumentally funny event to come along and break up the hospital doldrums. For whatever reason, I slept in until 6am this morning. Now, I was up at 12 and 3 and 4. So imagine my surprise when the voice of our cowboy booted surgery resident gave me a good morning as I lay there like a slug. I know they see it all the time, but jeepers. I honestly do not know how you can have a serious conversation with another adult when they sit there with an A&W tshirt, men's plaid pj pants and sever bed head. I was a shame upon our family. S, who can't help that her mother looked like a pic from the "People of Wal Mart" website, woke up this morning to the rudest of all things in the kidiverse: bloodwork. She took it like a trooper, giving me that whipped puppy look. Don't give that look, girl. I don't have the money to buy you whatever you want right now...but that's what I feel like. And honestly, I want to do that for G and the boy. This process has been hard on them as well and they have been super troopers. After the hub arrived bearing coffee and a bagel, we accompanied our girl to get another ultrasound. As we waited for her turn on the table, my breath was taken away when two wired up little babies came to sit and wait with us. One mom was still in her pj's, concerned and holding her sweet little one. When G was little, she had to spend some time in this hospital with RSV. I remember the fear of having a little one who was too young to tell you what was wrong, being poked and prodded until they cry so hard they turn purple. It made my stomach sick to see these babies. I wanted to hold those moms and tell them it would be okay. After returning from ultrasound, S got another Vitamin K shot which ticked her off. Then two more docs or PA's or medical people arrived bearing interesting news. Apparently after reading the latest ultrasound, it was discovered that it had been noted that her spleen was enlarged...but nobody knew. That was an important piece of the puzzle, but then it was a piece that meant a lot of things. No more soccer for a while. No dancing in her recital. No wild rides at amusement parks for a while. We talked about perspective, which is hard for anyone. She knows it is for her own good, just disappointing. She did get to have her first non clear liquid foods today. They were approached with great excitement. The aftermath was not violent, but it was painful. An afternoon of visitors were a happy sight but exhausting, so grumpiness got turned up a notch. She's due.

As my firstborn, my first baby, sleeps soundly under the influence of morphine right next to me, I realize how fortunate I am. Wonderful doctors, nurses, hospital. A girl who is improving every day. I sit and read the latest Caring Bridge update on Baby Drew and my heart weeps for my friends. They received difficult news after his heart cath tonight. I don't know what it is and it is none of my business. I just want them to know that so many have them and that sweet boy in their thoughts and prayers. If you have a moment, read about this family. Send up a prayer...a positive thought...whatever you can. This kid has a lot left to do in this world. Here is his link:

We love you all and thatnk you so much for all the support you have given us during this time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Wish I had a magic potion for all the sick children. If it makes her feel any better, tell S I didn't learn to swallow pills whole until I was 14. Mashed 'em up in applesauce, but couldn't do that in high school.
    Still praying. She seems to be having a real tough first year of middle. Great to see she still has her smile.
