Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Play date success

The boy went on his aforementioned play date today. I received a report from the other mom that he was a model guest and used very good manners. He has been quite the sloth upon his return, so I am very thankful for his buddy's ability to wear him out. And when I say out, I mean OUT. He is rallying a bit since it is dessert night and he has a bit of a sugar rush. I imagine that as soon as he is showered and pajama'ed, he will crash hard. The dog had her play date at the dog park, so she will crash soon. It is exxhausting to ward off the advances of male dog who tries to bust a move on your head. She took it like the tough lady she is, but come on, recently neutered boy puppies. Is chivalry dead? The girls have fought all day, so they will crash soon. I have a mystery novel that I have to know the ending of, so I cannot crash...but I am fading fast.

Going to read my book before the chaos of bathtime begins. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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