Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The tooth is OUT!

The boy has struggled for a few weeks with one of his top front teeth. It has been hanging by a root that must be stronger than Hercules himself. He has worked on that thing and it is a flippin' miracle that he hasn't gotten the flu or the stomach crud or worse with his hand in his mouth all the time. That tooth has been twisted and turned and pulled and pushed. Nothing. I feel for the boy, but frankly we are sick of hearing about that tooth. So tonight he got some floss(for the the third night in a row)and started trying to saw the thing out. The the hub crossed the ends and showed him how to try and pop the thing out. Nothing. Finally, we heard a cry from upstairs "It's OUT!". We got upstairs and found that it was indeed out. The problem was that it came out with such force that it flew to an unknown destination. So here we were with our cell phone flashlights crawling on the floor looking for the blasted tooth. "That thing is going to hurt if someone steps on it!". "What will the Fairy do if we don't find it?". All good questions. Then suddenly, I spotted something white with a red end. There it was. Thank goodness! It is now on his dresser awaiting Tooth Fairy transport. Let's hope she finds it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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