Saturday, March 21, 2015

Soccer boy is now a sore boy

The boy had four games today. Four back to back games. While they were somewhat abbreviated in length, they were not so in intensity. The kids played their hardest. It was somewhat messy at first being their first game of the season(lots of rainouts), but they found their groove soon enough. They came in second out of five. The first place team was in an age level above them, so I really count them as first amongst the teams who were of the same age. That may sound sour grapey, but I have my mom goggles on. The boy scored several goals and was very excited, even though his coach grumped at him after each one for either not being in the correct position when the play started or not using his left foot. Oh well. The kids plays hard and falls hard. I don't think any of his goals were finished with him remaining upright. Moms next to me were saying a drinking game should be created around how many times my child falls down. Ouch...but I can see the humor in that. They would be unconscious before the half of the first half. He is better than he used to be.

Tomorrrow is a big day at work. Gots to let the little guys and gals hunt for some eggs. Here's hoping it all turns out. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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