As the boy's birthday approached, we asked him what he would like to do or eat or see. Without skipping a beat, he said he wanted to see the Harlem Globetrotters. They have been playing their promotional commercials for what seems like months and he was intrigued. I went to see them when I was a bit younger and remember laughing the whole time. Curly came into the stands and rubbed my dad on his head. We got to see some of the greats and loved every second. So we got the tickets plus an etra added bonus to meet some of the players before the game. I must say that I was starstruck by the coach, Jimmy Blacklock. I watched him as a Globetrotter when he was on Gilligan's Island. The kids got to practice dribbling with a Globetrotter and see how how they could reach in a jump. The boy screamed loud enough and his dad had a good enough reach that he caught a free tshirt. The players, once again and just by the skin of their teeth in a sudden death overtime, won the game. There was smack talk from the General's coach, an ejected dirty referee and a player who climbed up and sat in the basket. What else really does one need? The laughs and squeals of delight let us know we had a hit on our hands. Even the nasty lady who sat in front of us, doling out dirty looks every time we yelled as instructed by the flamboyantly excellent emcee(and who tried to get nasty with my son when he yelled, worrying me that I had to open a can, well, anyway)did not cramp the evening. I am grateful to the players who were so kind to the children, big and small, and were so very polite and gracious with their time. The girls got selfies with several of them and the boy got several pictures. A good time was had by all. Night, friends.

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