Thursday, March 19, 2015

Don't grow up so fast boy is officially eight. He woke up this morning with his breakfast in bed tray and declared that he thought he had grown overnight and was indeed bigger. I have no doubt that his sttement was true. Honestly, I can't believe how time has flown. We were reminiscing tonight about the children and their different birth stories. S claims hers was the scariest...maybe so since she was my first experience with wanting to die and live all at the same time. G claims hers was the best...maybe so because she arrived the fastest, the right side up and was ready to nurse and be just happy about everything. The boy claims his was the longest, hardest and strangest. Longest for sure. I often imagine there are claw marks inside where he held on for dear life to the warm environment he had been dwelling in for the previous nine months. He did emerge sunny side up, at least an hour past the time his oldest sister was born I had to use pitocin, which I had been lucky enough to avoid the first two tiimes. It had been set too low and when they turned that mother out, so to speak, I really wanted to consider some drugs. Thankfully he finally arrived, healthy and perfect, ready to take on the world...and two big sisters. The same boy who swallowed a quarter...who stuck a chunk of carrot up his nose...who, when he tried his first pair of glasses on and was asked what he could see said, "Oh Mom, I finally see everything." I am so blessed and humbled to have this kind soul in my life. What a kind boy he is and how blessed I am. Happy Birthday, my sweet boy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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